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Voyager Golden Record Vinyl


Voyager Golden Records: A Tapestry of Earthly Sounds for the Cosmos

What are the Voyager Golden Records?

The Voyager Golden Records are two identical phonograph records containing a diverse collection of sounds and images that were launched into space aboard the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1977. These records serve as a time capsule representing Earth and its inhabitants to any intelligent extraterrestrial life that may encounter them in the distant future.

Content of the Records

The records contain a wide array of content, including:

  • Greetings in 55 languages
  • Sounds of nature (e.g., thunder, wind, birdsong)
  • Musical selections from various cultures and eras
  • 90 minutes of spoken messages from scientists, politicians, and ordinary people
  • Slide-show images depicting life on Earth and scientific knowledge

The records were designed to be robust and long-lasting, with an expected lifespan of at least one billion years. They are enclosed in gold-plated aluminum jackets and include instructions for playing the records and decoding the information.

Mission and Significance

The Voyager Golden Records were conceived by Carl Sagan and other scientists as a way to communicate Earth's diversity and achievements to the universe. They represent a message of peace, goodwill, and scientific inquiry, hoping to foster understanding and potential future contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

As Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 continue their journey through interstellar space, the Voyager Golden Records serve as a testament to human curiosity, creativity, and our place in the vast cosmic web.

